It is our goal to provide pictures and information about plant species native to Uinta County, Wyoming and the adjacent Uinta Mountains.
During the summer of 2020, UCCD spotlighted many native wildflower on our Facebook and Instagram pages. This information is available as a pdf document.
You may also click the images below for information on individual species. As this is not an inclusive list of all the wildflowers in our area, we will add to it periodically.
If you have a wildflower, native plant, or weed you would like identified,
fill out this Google Form,
email pictures and info to klott.uccd@gmail.com,
or stop by our office in Lyman!
See the resource section below for additional information.
Plant Chest
Available for check-out from UCCD.
Measure, identify, collect and press as you learn about the plants in Southwest Wyoming.
This kit includes a number of learning guides, books, activity ideas, measurement instruments, tree cookies, a plant presses, and field equipment for hands-on and outdoor learning.
We are also available to teach lessons about plants!
Contact us for more information:
204 East Sage St
Lyman Wy
Are you looking for native plants to grow in your gardens?
Plants With Altitude, Regionally Native Plants for Wyoming Gardens is a 2014 publication by the University of Wyoming Extension, Barnyards & Backyards, Laramie Garden Club and Biodiversity Institute. This 66 page, spirally bound book is a great resource about native plants, where to get them and how to best grow them in your garden.
Click here for a PDF copy
We also have free copies at our office if you prefer print.
Stop in at 204 East Sage in Lyman, Monday-Thursday 8-4.
Other resources in conjunction with this plant guide can be found at wyomingnativegardens.org
The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.
Search by common name to find pictures and information on plant location and status.
B&B Wildflowers of Wyoming
Check out this recorded Zoom meeting about native Wyoming Wildflowers hosted by the University of Wyoming Extension and Barnyards & Backyards.
Rangeland Plants - Wyoming Tough
"This guidebook is meant to help the more-than-casual observer of nature identify the most important and common plant species on Wyoming’s rangelands. We have included many of the grasses, grass-likes, forbs, and woody plants vital to both wildlife and domestic livestock. Unfortunately, some areas of Wyoming’s rangeland are dominated by the non-native, invasive cheatgrass, and we have included it and a few other undesirable plant species." - UWyo Extension
Plants poisonous to livestock in Montana and Wyoming: Considerations for reducing production losses
This is a University of Wyoming Extension Publication along with the USDA and University of Montana Extension. This publication describes signs of poisoning and livestock affected, toxic doses and factors influencing toxicity, and the habitats where these poisonous plants grow in Montana and Wyoming. The publication also describes environmental and management conditions leading to livestock poisoning along with management considerations to prevent or minimize impacts.
Plants Poisonous to Livestock in the Western States
The USDA Poisonous Plant Research Lab in Logan Utah, staffs a wide variety of scientists who study plants that are poisonous to livestock throughout the world. This publication was printed for livestock owners and others interested in plants that are poisonous to livestock in the Western U.S.
Agricultural Information Bulletin Number 415. 107 pages. Revised in 2011. Published by the USDA Agricultural Research Service.
This is a 70-page, spiral bound field resource which includes keys, descriptions, and photos to aid in identification of native and noxious thistles.
This booklet was compiled by Wyoming Natural Diversity Database lead botanist Bonnie Heidel, along with the Biodiversity Institute, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Forest Service for publication by Wyoming Extension Service.
Physical copies are spiral bound and measure 4” wide and 6.5” tall. Very handy for in the field use! A PDF of this guide is available online.
Call or stop by for information on how to obtain a physical copy.
Click the picture to download a free PDF copy.
Preserving Food in Wyoming, Wild Berries and Other Wild Fruit
By the University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service and College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Revised July 2011.
Click the picture to view a PDF copy.
Edible and Poisonous Berries of Shrubs in Wyoming
Barnyards & Backyards, Fall 2017, pages 25 &27.
Click the picture to view a PDF copy.