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The various programs, projects and partnerships of Uinta County Conservation District fit into the Land Use Planning Program.

UCCD's Land Use Planning GOAL is to improve livestock production, wildlife habitat, recreation and watershed protection while improving and maintaining productivity on rangelands and pasturelands in Uinta County. 


Our accomplishments and objectives that cover this goal are as follows:


Work with and assist BLM and USDA Forest Service with range assessments on grazing allotments


Offer seeding alternatives that can be used in conjunction with range treatments for various soils and management objectives to increase vegetative cover


Review and provide recommendations on subdivision reviews as required by the state


Participate as a Cooperating Agency during federal land planning processes to represent the interests of the local landowners and land users, including the DEIS High Uintas Wilderness Domestic Sheep Analysis


Maintain a working relationship with Uinta County Weed and Pest to distribute information on noxious weeds in Uinta County and assist with weed management efforts


Offer basic soil testing and other soil information including maps and lab information


Assist with organization of Uinta County Soil Health Day and present range monitoring values and concepts at the workshop


Assist both large and small landowners with their resource questions and provide science based solutions for the sustainability of the natural resource


Assist and educate large and small landowners in developing grazing plans and the benefits of proper grazing management


Educate landowners on the cost share programs that the district offers as well as the many other programs and resources available through other agencies


Maintain and develop working relationships with federal, state, and county government agencies responsible for natural resource management


Keep landowners informed on natural resource developments that affect the producers of Uinta County


Work with landowners to develop conservation plans that addresses their resource concerns and improvement opportunities


Work with private landowners to complete range monitoring and conservation planning on private land


Assist private landowners with resource concerns using data from trail cameras where appropriate


Provide rubber tire water tanks to allow producers to provide water for livestock and wildlife in remote areas


Work with landowners to re-seed burned areas on private ground

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