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The Uinta County Conservation District encourages the use of reusable shopping bags to reduce the number of plastic bags used and disposed of in Uinta County.


UCCD has partnered with Benedicts in Mountain View to provide low cost reusable grocery totes to shoppers for $1.00 per bag. These totes are available for purchase near the front of the store. This is a non-profit program benefiting neither UCCD or Benedicts. As stewards over our environment, we all benefit from using fewer plastic shopping bags. 

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Plastic Bag FACTS

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  • The average American family takes home over 1,500 plastic shopping bags per year.

  • It is estimated that only 1-3 percent of plastic shopping bags are recycled.

  • Groceries are often double-bagged when more than 6 canned goods are placed in one plastic bag.

  • The amount of petroleum used to make 14 plastic bags would drive a car one mile.

  • Plastic shopping bags were first introduced in grocery stores in 1977

  • Plastic bags photo-degrade into smaller pieces and bi-products that absorb toxins and continue to pollute the environment.

  • It is now believed that it takes 500-1000 years for a plastic bag to fully degrade in a landfill.

UCCD Grocery Tote FACTS
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  • Each reusable shopping bag has the potential to eliminate the use of 1,000 plastic bags over its lifetime.

  • One person using reusable bags over their lifetime would remove more than 22,000 plastic bags from the environment.

  • UCCD Grocery Totes are sturdier and more spacious (15" x 13" x 10") than plastic shopping bags.

  • These bags hold at least 4x as many groceries than plastic bags, and can hold more weight than you can comfortably carry. 

  • Removable bottom inserts provide added durability and support.

  • Reusable bags can be used for years and are washable.

  • Benedicts and Smith's both offer incentives for reusable bags used during check out.

If you are a store owner in Uinta County Wyoming and would like to join our effort to reduce the number of plastic bags by selling UCCD totes in your store please contact us.

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